Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Home of the Year (RTÉ One, 8.30pm)
If you’re already suffering from Room To Improve withdrawal symptoms, then this might help ease the pain. In this new series, lovely homes around Ireland compete to be named Home of the Year. Tonight we’ll get a tour of three homes, including a converted cottage. Prepare to feel a smidgeon of jealousy.
Don’t Tell The Bride (RTÉ Two, 9pm)
In tonight’s episode, the groom prepares to surprise his bride by transforming an auld convent in Leitrim into a “heavy metal heaven”. Did we mention she doesn’t like heavy metal? What could possibly go wrong? #DontTellTheBride
Cameron & Milliband: The Battle for Number 10 (Channel 4, 9pm)
As the UK General Election approaches, David Cameron and Ed Milliband face off in the first televised debate of the election season. Both leaders will be grilled by Jeremy Paxman and then face audience questions. Expect lots of talking points and hopefully a few gaffes.
Everyone’s talking about… Looking
The HBO series has been cancelled after two seasons. The critically acclaimed programme, which aired here on Sky Atlantic, followed a group of gay men in San Francisco and built up a small, but passionate fanbase during its run.
Yesterday, HBO announced that they would not be ordering any further seasons of the series, but explained that a cliffhanger at the end of the season finale would be wrapped up in a special episode.
The show’s creator had this to say.
Or flick over for…
- Richard III – The Burial of Our King (Channel 4, 8pm) No, your eyes aren’t deceiving you.
- Happy Valley (RTÉ One, 10.15pm) Popular BBC detective series comes to RTÉ.
The Mechanic (Film Four, 9pm) Jason Statham, y’all.
- Inside No. 9 (BBC2, 10pm) The dark, bizarre comedy anthology series returns.
- The Truth About Calories (BBC1, 9pm) *puts fingers in ears* La la la, we can’t hear you, la la la.